There are plenty of ways to make money. You could be a doctor, lawyer, photographer or even a freelance writer – all honorable ways to...

An epic prankster who runs the popular YouTube channel, EpicFiveTV, pulled a pretty risky prank on his girlfriend. Needless to say, it did not go...

Ellen DeGeneres is always a hoot! It’s basically a fact that she can turn any frown upside down with her endless jokes and witty comments....

Sneakiness and manipulation are human traits that are learned very early on in life. Take this little girl for example – she carefully and imaginatively...

Last month, comedian Scott Rogowsky had us all in stitches when he pretended to read fake books on the New York City subway with inappropriate...

As one would imagine, a festival is usually full of youths that like to ingest party favors, dance, laugh and have an amazing experience. But...

Work – what a snooze fest! Do you know anyone that actually enjoys their job? Unless you get paid to sleep and eat pizza, then...

If you were a guy, would you get breast implants for $100,000? This patient named Brian Zembic did! And not only did it make him...


In this new video from Top Prankster Coby Persin from Model Pranksters, he hits the New York Subway system with his good friend Mayer to...

Immigrants Donald Trump

Nobody can accuse Donald Trump of being shy when it comes to speaking his mind. He’s had a lot to say recently about a whole...


Sometimes a man can’t help but form a special bond with something. Be it the guy who has an emotional attachment to his power tools...

DM Pranks Killer Clown 5

The sick and twisted minds behind Italy’s DM Pranks are here again with your old favorite, The Killer Clown. The psycho circus murderer is perfectly...

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