KenPranksTV and his girlfriend Stacey have been pranking each other quite a bit of late. Pranking boyfriends and girlfriends seems all the rage at the moment....

VitalyzdTv hasn’t got his cellphone on him and needs to borrow one from someone. He’s not with his friends, so the only option he has...

Things can get pretty hectic on a photo shoot and most models will have seen and heard some pretty crazy things as the pressure for...

Jessie Wellens and his girlfriend Jeana have been pranking each other in an escalating prank war, on and off, since way back in 2007. Under...

Skateboarding Grandpa

Elderly folk and skateboarding don’t exactly go hand in hand. You don’t see many of the older generation down your local skatepark busting out ollies...


Sometimes a man can’t help but form a special bond with something. Be it the guy who has an emotional attachment to his power tools...

We love a good prank here at Pranksters. That pretty much goes without saying. But there’s the odd occasion when you’ve got to wonder whether...

Not all that long ago, we showed you a prank played by a guy on his unsuspecting girlfriend where he got her with a showertime cockroach...

Pizza delivery guys probably sees some pretty weird things in their jobs, don’t they? When that door opens and hungry people are stood there, there...

Unless you’re disabled and have permission, don’t park in disabled parking spots, okay? First off – it’s the law. And secondly, just don’t be a...

DM Pranks Killer Clown 5

The sick and twisted minds behind Italy’s DM Pranks are here again with your old favorite, The Killer Clown. The psycho circus murderer is perfectly...

Arguably the internet’s most extreme and risk-taking online pranksters and social experimenters are New York’s OckTV. You’ve seen them challenging the public with plenty over...

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