Rich Ferguson

We all get a little impatient from time to time, don’t we? In public, waiting around for strangers. Why do some people take so damn...

DM Pranks Homeless

This video from the people behind the always excellent DM Pranks starts off with some pretty brutal facts to set itself up. Like 3.5 million...

Demon Prank

We love bringing you the craziest and most extreme pranks captured on camera from across the globe. But it’s the insane stunts from Brazil that...

Drive Thru Robot Driver

We’ve all seen the magician-cum-prankster Magic of Rahat and his patented and famous ‘drive-thru’ pranks. He’s even fronted a Toyota commercial campaign, the pranks are...

Nerd Trainer Prank

When you’re down at the gym working out, sometimes it’s good to get a workout with a fully trained-up and qualified personal trainer, isn’t it?...

Awkward Elevator

Elevators are strange places, aren’t they? There aren’t that many other enclosed spaces you have to enter each day where you’re so up close and...

OckTV Dragon Ball

Dragon Ball Z is one of the biggest, best and most popular anime animations ever. While a lot of anime only ever gets seen in its...

FouseyTube Ghost Prank

Magic. Impressive when you see it, less so when someone explains the trick. And it’s a similar principle here in world class prankster FouseyTUBE‘s latest...

Brazilian TV program The Silvio Santos Program is a hotbed of some of the highest concept scare pranks ever seen. These South Americans go all...

Heading to the airport after a long vacation or before a lengthy business trip can often be a chore. Waiting around for your flight, often the...

Every year around 100 children are accidentally shot and killed in the US each year. And some of that figure is down to children finding guns which...

It can be tempting to just walk on by a homeless person sat on the street asking for change. But when so many people on...

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