
Top Prankster Jack Vale Films has made this special video for Testicular Cancer Awareness month. As he says in the video, the best way to...


The one thing you don’t expect to run into when you’re walking in the park is a … LION!!! That’s what happens to the people...


In this video, Top Prankster AverageBroTV hits the beach to try out some of the worst pick up lines mankind has ever devised. Seriously, these...

Zombie Metro

We’ve brought you some pretty crazy pranks in the past here at Pranksters, no doubt. But we honestly think the stunt we’ve got for you...


It’s another day in the city and BigDawsTV is out on the streets with his fake wife Gabby and their fake baby Carlos. They want...


In this hilarious Prank It Forward video from MediocreFilms, comedian Greg Benson hits the streets in an ice cream truck. But this is no ordinary...


YouTube legends The Royal Stampede are best known for their hilarious horror and thug pranks. But in this excellent new video, they’re trying something a...


In this eye-watering video, one of the ViralBrothers‘s girlfriends wants revenge for a stunt he pulled where he pretended to accidentally kill her dog in...


The Prank Bros, the popular YouTube pranksters, are at it again. This time they’ve headed down to Miami Beach to surprise some Spring Breakers with...


In this hilarious video, the legendary prankster Roman Atwood and a friend prank members of the public into thinking they have the most powerful sneezes...


Earlier, we showed you seven crazy pranks to play on your friends, family and colleagues this April Fools Day. Now we’ve come up with seven...


April Fools Day is just around the corner … and we all know what that means! It’s the one day of the year when the...

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