Roman Atwood

Roman Atwood‘s got a brand new pet that he just can’t wait to show off to people. He’s off to the beach for a day...

Roman Atwood

Do you remember when Roman Atwood made his girlfriend think that he’d accidentally thrown their kid off the second story of their house? Well, you’d...

VitalyzdTv Roman Atwood

There are plenty of rules that pals have, right? The Bro Code exists for a reason. So it’s all laid out nice and clear. Up...

Roman Atwood is sick of rising fuel prices so he decides to circumnavigate that annoying ‘paying’ stage of acquiring gas by just taking it. Straight...

Roman Atwood

In Roman Atwood‘s latest mega-prank he’s playing a HUGE practical joke on his dear ol’ grandma. Why? We’ve no idea. He’s just a very, very...


In this hilarious video, the legendary prankster Roman Atwood and a friend prank members of the public into thinking they have the most powerful sneezes...


Prank legend Roman Atwood is at it again. His friend Howie is away in New York City and that’s a BIG mistake! With a little...

Suicide experiment

Suicide is a serious subject. It claims the lives of more than 40,000 people in the USA alone each year. It’s the tenth biggest killer...

Roman Atwood

Roman Atwood and his kids don’t want to go to the ball park. So they get it to come to them! This prank sees them...

Spraying Skunk Prank Roman Atwood

Roman Atwood‘s got a new pet. He’s off to the beach and he wants to take his new pal with him. Only it’s a skunk....

Killing My Own Kid Prank Roman Atwood

Roman Atwood‘s gonna be sleeping on the couch for the foreseeable future. Why? Well, he made his wife watch him throw their young son down...

Blowing Cash Prank Roman Atwood

It’s the season of goodwill, so Roman Atwood wants to reward some nice honest folk. But how to determine who deserves a cash prize? He’s...

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