When you’re homeless you aren’t given many options or choices, are you? So it’s probably pretty easy to get out of the habit of making...

Homeless Experiment

How do homeless people spend the money you give them? It’s not really possible to tell, is it? You hope the money goes to good...


It shouldn’t matter how you look when you collapse in the street, right? Well that’s what we all like to think, but how true is...


We all know that Omar Gosh is one of the greatest pranksters out there. His antics are legendary amongst the pranking fraternity. Well now Omar...

Can I Wear Your Shoes

FouseyTUBE is shining a light on the homelessness problem in America with this latest social experiment of his. He’s asking homeless guys if he can...

The Freezing Homeless Child OckTV

OckTV love to ask challenging questions. They’re making New Yorkers face up to a tough vision in this latest social experiment. They put a freezing-looking...

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