Putting Embarrassing Things At Garage Sales OmarGoshTV

We’ve all been to garage sales, right? Every so often you can stumble across something worth buying but most of the time it’s just old...


It’s scare cam time! This brilliant compilation of reactions to intense scares is about as comprehensive as it gets! All shot using Vine, these quick...

Thomas Saunders

Thomas Sanders is a Vine specialist. Limited to just six seconds, his jokes and pranks get straight to the point. One of his funniest Vine...

Touching yourself In Public Prank Model Pranksters

The cops in the prank you’re about to watch must be New York City’s most relieved men… They witness the guys from Model Pranksters committing...

Superbowl Report Prank

A quick-thinking, sharp and very funny young news reporter out of Florida shut down a drunk woman who interrupted her Superbowl news report in the...

Owl vs Police Remi Gaillard

Remi Gaillard is one of the world’s most famous and consistently amusing pranksters. He just doesn’t give a hoot. And he proves it here as...

Omar Gosh

Omar Gosh is hungry, so he decides to hit a drive-thru. Trouble is, his car’s conspiring against him and won’t let him eat. Every time...

Girlfriend's REVENGE - Pepper Sprayed Toilet Paper in Butt Prank Viral Brothers

One of the long-suffering girlfriends of the Viral Brothers has had enough of being at the end of the pair’s constant practical jokes. It’s time...


Public restrooms are never the nicest places – you don’t head there to enjoy yourself (well, okay, some people do…). It’s a case of getting...


Tall Creepy Handsome’s out hustling. He’s got hold of some pretty good sh*t and he’s looking to sell. It doesn’t take long before he finds people...

Spraying Skunk Prank Roman Atwood

Roman Atwood‘s got a new pet. He’s off to the beach and he wants to take his new pal with him. Only it’s a skunk....

Taking Pictures of Boobs Prank TwinzTV

What do you think happens when a couple of guys walk about in public taking pictures of girls’ boobs and butts? They get mad? Their...

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