Mom Revenge Prank Royal Stampede

On the day of this prank, Mark from The Royal Stampede thought that they’d be prank a pizza delivery boy with a fake kidnap. But...

Whiteboard Prank

Winnipeg, Manitoba. The Canadian kids in the class you’re gonna see got bored and drew a big ol’ face and a cat on the whiteboard. Nothing...

Killer's Victim Prank

Every now and again we all need some help. Like the driver in this video. He’s stuck in the snow and needs a little assistance...

Uber Prank FouseyTUBE

When you get into an Uber car to go somewhere, how do you really know that you’re actually getting into an Uber car? It could...

Fake Lottery Prank NormelTV

Money can be a touchy subject, can’t it? That’s why joking about winning the lottery might just be off limits. After all, you’re toying with...

Awkward New Year's Resolutions OmarGoshTV

The New Year is well and truly here and thoughts turn to our resolutions. January’s the ideal time for coming up with new promises to...

Game Show Floor

You probably know as well as we do how insane some Japanese game shows can get. They seemingly have their boundaries a lot further out...

Ellen Dance Dare

When Ellen DeGeneres recently suggested a prank for people to try out over the Holidays, online prankster Alexander Bok couldn’t wait to give it a...

Scary Snowman Terrorizes Boston

We’ve shown you the exploits of The Scary Snowman a few times before here at Pranksters. The evil Mr. Frosty is back again, this time...

Bad Santa Stealing Presents Prank! 0,5er

0,5er arranged for a delivery driver to drop off some goods and, as he dealt with signatures, one of them got into full St. Nick...

Gift Car

Did you know that Jimmy Kimmel lives next door to married acting couple Emily Blunt and John Krasinski? Nope? Well, you do now. Once you...

You Shall not Pass (SA Wardega) Hobbit Fellowship

Top Polish prankster SA Wardega was behind the most viral prank of 2014 – the Mutant Giant Spider Dog Prank. That video had a mind blowing...

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