
So you need to visit the restroom. You enter the place and discover the floor is covered with bananas. That’s pretty strange, you think. Still,...


We can’t remember the last time a pretty girl we’d never met before came up to us on the street and sat on us. We...


In this hilarious video from Just For Laughs Gags, three girls prank members of the public into thinking one of them has done something pretty...


As we previously showed you, prankster legend VitalyzdTV will prank anyone … even his own mom. Last time around he pranked her into thinking he...


As you know, VitalyzdTv will go to any lengths to prove he’s one of the best in the pranking business … and that even includes...


What happens when you hide a remote-controlled, motorized rat behind a sign and wheel it out when unsuspecting members of the public pass by? They...


Prank legend Roman Atwood is at it again. His friend Howie is away in New York City and that’s a BIG mistake! With a little...

Fast & Furious Prank

A driving school thought it’d be funny to prank some of the new driving instructors that were starting work with them. So they approached Maxman...


YouTube’s most prolific prankster duo, OckTV, are back at it again, goofing around with the public. But they play it close to the bone here...

dead body

What would happen if you asked members of the public to help you dispose of a dead body? Big Mouse Comedy set out to find...

Russian Hitman Ransom Prank

You know that VitalyzdTv is one of the undisputed kings of the pranking game and he proves it once more here. Posing as a Russian...


Some of FouseyTUBE‘s pals decided it would be a good idea to prank him with a paintball gun recently. As funny as they may have...

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