
Since its launch back in August 2012, Tinder has become the biggest dating app in the world. With a quick swipe of the hand, users...


In the London district of Enfield, something strange is happening in an ordinary suburban home. A man has recently died in the house, and his...


If there’s one place you’d expect to get a little peace ‘n’ quiet, it’s the library. That’s unless YouTube pranksters JStuStudios are around. If they...


Urban Sportsman Neg is out on the streets of London in this hilarious video from Balls Of Steel. His challenge for today is to see...


In this hilarious video from Japan, an unsuspecting performer is asked to prepare himself in a special dressing room. What’s so special about it? Well,...


In this hilarious video from the crazy pranksters over at PranksvsPranks, Gina persuades her boyfriend Jesse to get a spray tan before he flys out...


High five, bro! In this hilarious new video from legendary prankster Jack Vale Films, Jack and his buddy Dennis Roaday hit the streets of LA...


Last week we brought you this INSANE zombie prank from the Silvio Santos show. Now we bring you another incredible zombie apocalypse stunt, this time...


Top Prankster BigDawsTV is a huge fan of hitting the gym, as we’ve shown you before. This time around, he’s got a variety of pranks...


Wait? What? Weren’t you a guy a second ago?! In this fun video from YouTube prankster Omar Gosh, Omar and a couple of his crew...


So you’re walking along, minding your business, when you see something heading towards you. Wait … is that a …? OMG! It’s a ZOMBIE! Only...

This terrifying practical joke here brings you three of the biggest topics in the prank world: Homeless people, zombies and elevators. UDSyde Films decides to pose...

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