Ellen DeGeneres Scares The Heck Out Of Drake In This Epic Prank

Ellen DeGeneres is always a hoot! It’s basically a fact that she can turn any frown upside down with her endless jokes and witty comments. It’s no surprise then, that she managed to play quite a hilarious prank on rap singer, Drake, on her show earlier this week. It started out as any normal interview would. Drake began talking about his experience on Saturday Night Live, saying that it was a huge challenge for him.

After that, Ellen and Drake watched a video clip of an animated Drake dancing on Ellen’s shoulder and talked about Drake’s success on his number one song on the Billboard Hot 100, “One Dance”.

Suddenly, a man popped up out of nowhere, giving the raper the fright of his life. Drake shouted and drew his hands in a karate chop motion – could he be any more awkward?


Well that’s something you don’t see everyday. At least we’re seeing a more humanistic side to Drake as opposed to his usual too-hot-to-handle style.

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