7 Ways To Prank Your Friends This April Fools Day

April Fools Day is just around the corner … and we all know what that means! It’s the one day of the year when the fine art of pranking goes global, with jokes played on friends, family and colleagues all around the world. Coming up with the perfect April Fools Day prank can be hard work, so if you’re having trouble coming up with the perfect prank to pull on your friends and family this year, here are seven handy suggestions for you to try.

1. Faulty Mouse Prank


When your workmate discovers his mouse isn’t working, he’ll no doubt turn it over to see if he can spot what’s wrong with it. That’s when he discovers you’ve taped over the laser with this hilarious sign.

2. Air-Horn Door Prank


Your friends will get the shock of their lives when they push open a door and trigger the ear-shattering noise of an air-horn you’ve strategically taped to the wall.

3. Mayo Donuts


Who doesn’t love a donut? We’ll tell you who – anyone who has the misfortune to try one of your mayo-filled April Fools donuts!

4. Hallway Cup Prank


Good luck getting down the hall without getting your feet wet. It’s the janitor who has to clean this lot up that we feel sorry for.

5. Air Freshener Grenade


This one even comes with instructions. Nobody messes with the guy armed with the air freshener grenade.

6. Oreo Toothpaste Prank


On April Fools Day, replace the filling of a pack of Oreos with toothpaste, take them into work and hand them around. The result? Instant April Fools Day legend status.

7. Cheese Juice


What better way to wash down your toothpaste Oreos than with this delicious cheese water? Your friends and colleagues will think it’s orange juice … until they taste it.

Happy April Fooling!

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