Omar Gosh

Omar Gosh is hungry, so he decides to hit a drive-thru. Trouble is, his car’s conspiring against him and won’t let him eat. Every time...

Taking Pictures of Boobs Prank TwinzTV

What do you think happens when a couple of guys walk about in public taking pictures of girls’ boobs and butts? They get mad? Their...

Blowing Cash Prank Roman Atwood

It’s the season of goodwill, so Roman Atwood wants to reward some nice honest folk. But how to determine who deserves a cash prize? He’s...

Woman Abused In Front Of Cops Prank! VitalyzdTv

VitalyzdTv is having an argument with his girlfriend which is spiralling out of control. The cops arrive to survey the situation. Only things are not...

Paranormal Scare Prank Canal Boom

Canal Boom have harvested telekinesis for evil. Not bad for a group of internet pranksters, huh? Watch them use their new-found gift in public –...

Teacher Prank

This may well be the best prank we’ve ever seen pulled off by kids on an adult. The macroeconomics professor in the clip below here...


Looking in the mirror can be a frightening prospect indeed. Especially on a Sunday morning. But what if it was even worse than just bad...

Cell Phone Crashing At The Mall Mediocre Films

Greg Benson from Mediocre Films is at the mall and he’s crashing people’s cell phone conversations. What do we mean by that? Well, it’s funnier...

I Told You Not To Do That Spider Prank Chris Ballinger

Chris Ballinger was TOLD not to do it. He can’t argue with that. When you’re dealing in pranks with the fatal combination of both spiders...

Ferocious Nazi Experimental Mutant Scare Prank DM Pranks

DM Pranks are known for their awesome and terrifying pranks. Killer clowns, demon priests... You name it. But they’ve outdone themselves here with their latest grim...

Asking Strangers For Food! OckTV

OckTV are hungry. But they’ve no cash on them. How are they gonna eat? How about by getting some food off strangers after politely asking...

Exorcist Demon Spider Walk Prank ViralBrothers

We’re used to seeing The Viral Brothers out in prank mode. But usually they’re playing tricks on each other. This time out though they’ve enlisted...

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