Blind Driver Causes Total CHAOS On The Roads!

The online prank game has seen plenty of wannabes and pretenders. But the true OG has to be Remi Gaillard. The Frenchman has been there since the start. His irreverent brand of funny pranks stand him apart from a lot of the others you see making videos. He’s original, big budget, smart and – more than anything – genuinely hilarious. So it’s with great pleasure that we can tell you that he’s back with a new video…

This time out he’s posing as a blind man. But not as a social experiment or anything. He’s just doing it for LOLs. Walking up a down escalator is one thing, but it’s the blind driver pranks that really get us. These are just TOO FUNNY!

Watching a beat up old car driving down the freeway seemingly using a cane to help guide the way is just too much…

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